Bloat Free Protein Shakes for the Gym: Soy Free Gluten Free Whey Free Eliminate Bloating

Tired of feeling bloating from your protein shake? Feel hot and unstoppable with my two favorite Plant-based protein shakes power packed with weight loss benefits. Lose weight. Feel great!

About RawFit Protein Shakes & PlantFusion!!!! Read
RawFit is 180 calories, 11g carb, 28g protein
PlantFusion is 120 calories, 4g carb, 21g protein
BOTH ARE SOY FREE, GLUTEN FREE, WHEY FREE protein shakes. Links to the manufacturers are below.

For body builders, women losing weight or those who love to exercise and have a healthy diet, protein shakes become part of your daily life so why not drink one that doesn't make you feel like you have a food baby in your tummy???

My 2 Favorite Plant-Based Protein Shakes
35 mg caffeine through Green Coffee Extract
400mg Green Coffee Extract (aids in burning fat)
3 billion Probiotic blend (good bacteria aids detox/metabolism)
700mg Weight Loss supplement includes Ashwagandha Root
***also offer Cracked Wall Chlorella a DETOXIFIER
RawFit not only amps up fat burning but with Chlorella it offers you the ability to detox from the inside out.


Heavy Branched Chain Amino Acid Profile and beyond
Amino Acids are what fire up your body including fat burning!
3-4 ounces of chicken deliver close to the same as the shake:

Listed in milligrams (mg)
885 Alanine; 1,780 Argninine; 2,365 Aspartic Acid; 205 Cystine; 3,600 Glutamic Acid; 1,060 Glycine; 515 Histidine; 1,285 Isoleucine; 2,090 Leucine; 1,480 Lysince (also fights virus and boost immune system!!); 225 Methionine; 1,130 Phenylalanine; 925 Proline; 1,090 Serine; 800 Threonine; 205 Tryptophan; 780 Tyrosine (aids concentration!); 1,390 Valine.


About Healthy Hot Air:
Camden Smith, host of Healthy Hot Air, brings fitness reviews, cardio workouts, fat burning tips, supplements and vitamin information as well as healthy cooking tips so you can live the healthiest life possible. This health and fitness channel delivers a smile with every episode.

We cover: fat burning cardio, fat burning yoga, fitness tips and reviews of other workouts, reviews of cosmetic procedures including Cool Sculpting, laser lipo, dermal fillers and Botox. We also cover healthy living tips such as toxin free, organic, green products. Find everything here for the best healthy life.

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Before beginning any workout, using any product or modifying diet and/or health routines, you should always consult a physician or the appropriate medical provider. HHA accepts no liability for your experiences or results as each of us is unique, and individuals should make healthy choices best for their personal health level.
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