What To Eat To Gain Muscle, Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle Mass [Full HD]

Here The Link: http://HowToGainMuscleForMen.com/Build-Muscle-GUARANTEED

We all know that the better we organize our eating habits to gain muscle and burn fat, the more amazing the results we achieve will be, both in the short and the long run. These include eating the right foods, in the right amount, and at the correct time. But... is it possible to add muscle mass without following a strict diet or counting each ounce of food you eat?

Our modern lifestyles sometimes make it very difficult to stick to a diet. Due to our work schedules and other daily activities, many of us find it very hard to follow strict diets, and some may even convince themselves that building muscle is not for them.

But here I come, to bring you this video with the best, highly practical and simple tips that will make your muscles grow once and for all in a way that is in sync with your busy lifestyle.

3 Goals to Go After

Your diet must meet these 3 objectives:

1) Provide your body with the nutrients it needs in order to recover and grow.
This may seem obvious, but it is VERY IMPORTANT. If your body can´t find enough proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to sustain itself, it can hardly be expected to build massive muscles.

2) Boost your natural anabolic hormone levels. Testosterone is THE main anabolic hormone, but growth hormones also help forge muscle. If your anabolic hormone level is low throughout the day, you will build very little muscle. This is why the food you eat must raise the levels of these hormones.

3) Decrease catabolic hormone levels
Cortisol is the queen of catabolic hormones. These hormones are responsible for turning muscle into energy (decreasing them while at it) and accumulating body fat. Your diet must avoid reaching high levels of these hormones, because otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

Now, 9 simple tips to put these 3 objectives into practice:

1- Add the following foods to your diet in order to gain muscle and burn fat: fish, whole eggs, egg whites, oats, potatoes (not fried), yogurt, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, broccoli, olive oil and green tea.

2- Breakfast abundantly, as it is one of the 2 most important meals of the day. Make sure to include a good amount of proteins, as well as fat (animal and vegetable) and complex carbohydrates.

3- Your second most important meal of the day is the one you have 15-30 minutes after working out. At this moment, your body is in a critical state known for its high catabolic hormone level; which means you must consume simple carbohydrates (I strongly recommend honey) along with proteins (such as whey protein, one of the only supplements that actually work, or boiled egg whites).

4- Make sure that you consume both vegetable and animal fats throughout the day. Doing this increases testosterone levels noticeably, helps build muscle, and reduces body fat.

5- Some foods with healthy vegetable fat you should eat are walnuts, peanuts, olive oil, and avocados.

6- Have foods with healthy animal fats: whole eggs, chicken breast, fish, and lean red meat.

7- Eat every 3 hours, having 6 meals a days is the best-case scenario.

8- If you are not able to cook very elaborate meals, such as if you must lunch at work, prepare a shake and carry it in a bottle. Include fresh fruit, oats, dried fruits and yogurt. Another great snack to take along with you are egg, tuna or chicken breast sandwiches on whole wheat bread.

9- Introduce these changes to your diet gradually: don't try to change it all from one day to next. To achieve a super effective, muscle-building diet, make small changes every day until you successfully incorporate better eating habits.

I hope this video has been helpful.

If you are looking for more valuable information, remember to visit the link below the video.

Until next time!


Diet Review Video

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