Difference Between Vegan and Vegetarian

http://www.caryellis.com Get FR*EE Guide to Healing Your Body Naturally! Hi Cary Ellis, author of "Super Immunity Secrets." What is the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian?
A vegan is generally dedicated to using no animal products at all. This would include avoiding wearing leather shoes, leather clothes, jackets, gloves, consuming no animal products such as eggs, cheese, fish. They eat purely fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and beans. A vegan diet has proven to be quite healthy according to recent best seller, "The China Study," by Colin Campbell. Dr. Campbell, who was chosen to head up this study because of his expertise, became a vegan by the end of this thirty-five year study. Modern culture has perpetuated a protein myth, where it is thought we need large amounts of protein on a daily basis, yet this may in fact be some of the cause of modern illness.
When we simplify our diet and the body begins taking in its nutrition in a simpler way, we actually utilize simpler forms of protein, as long as we get a good variety.
A vegetarian enjoys a little more complex diet. They consume generally all fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and beans. However they may also include dairy products such as eggs, cheese and milk. A vegetarian who eats dairy products is called a lacto-vegetarian; one consuming eggs, milk and cheese is called lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Some may also consume fish, and might say "I don't eat anything with legs."
Experimenting and becoming dedicated to vegan or vegetarian practices can be a dance or an art, choosing a lifestyle that harmonizes with one's spiritual, environmental and dietary beliefs and commitments. Often, vegans and vegetarians may have a spiritual commitment not to kill in order to eat.
From a health standpoint, it is a growth process on a journey of experimenting to find what works for each person's body. Genetic heritage, blood type and environmental habits and exposure, all play a role in our adaptability to such dietary practices. It is learning how to do this dance, how to find what works for our own body, in our own growth process that helps us cultivate dietary choices and lifestyle that we can live with on a daily basis.
Popular healthful dietary practices today, often include a range of various stages of transition into vegan, vegetarian and all raw lifestyle. These dietary practices are being proven today to give us greater health, youth and longevity. We have so many foods available at all times of the year in our modern world, we have the luxury of enjoying diverse vegan and vegetarian foods.
Be sure to learn more in Cary's book, "Super Immunity Secrets," for sale on amazon in paperback and for Kindle, and at her blog http://www.caryellis.com. Also check out her new http://www.gethealthynowshow.com

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